14 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Prototype Smart Power Strip Berbasis Mobile

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    Controlling electrical equipment within a certain time frame is one thing that is quite important. By controlling existing equipment in the house such as air conditioning, TV, fans, etc. It is often found that some electrical tools that survive are not used, in addition to waste also shortens the life of the electrical appliances. Therefore we need control and supervision of electrical devices using intelligent power strips. IoT or commonly known as the internet from things that are concepts that are intended to get the concept of the benefits of internet connectivity that is connected continuously. This concept can be used for monitoring and controlling electrical equipment that connects smart electrical terminals or power strips. By using an electrical terminal device that is paired with a system and module that can be controlled using a smartphone. Android is one of the many smartphone OSes that can bridge or facilitate all human work, one of which is in terms of control, which functions from this android as a remote control media that can be accessed by electronic devices in the home and certainly has connected first with the IoT module. This study discusses making smart sockets or smart power strips that can be rotated using a smartphone so that any electrical equipment can be used on users who do not use home

    Perancangan Multimedia Interaktif Untuk Kampanye Penghematan Energi Listrik Rumah Tangga

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    The limited development of power plants in the last five years has an impact on electricity supply in several regions in Indonesia. If you want to continue to feel electricity in Indonesia, one of the things that electricity users in Indonesia must do now is to save electricity. Media and technology can now be used by the government to promote electricity saving. The multimedia design program of the campaign for electronic voting was designed and created which would later be expected to provide simple education for the community in wise electronic selection. Designing interactive multimedia programs using the MDLC design method. The results of this study can foster a sense of community awareness of the electrical energy used to use electricity carefully. It was proven by 86% of respondents saying that the existence of a game of interactive applications in the form of games could make the community think wiser and adaptiv


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    The rise of LGBT case in Indonesia, attracted the attention of researchers to see how the view of psychology about LGBT. This study is a literature review research using relevant reference theories and publications in the field of Psychosexual, Islamic Psychology, and Biopsychology. According to the psychosexual perspective, humans are inherently bisexual. A person to be able to express himself as LGBT or heterosexual is when he is in phallic phase, where the point of pleasure is in the genitals. Based on the Islamic psychology, LGBT behavior is a type of ammara personality; dominated by lust 55%, assisted by 30% of mind power, and 15% of qalbu. While based on biopsychological point of view, LGBT behavior is not influenced by hormones but occurs due to changes in brain structure caused by experience and environment called plasticity, where the behavior of a person is able to change the shape of the human brain itself. From the results of the literature review above shows that LGBT is an abnormality of sexual orientation that is influenced by one's experience and environment


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    This research was conducted to design an Android-based Smart Home application user interface that is easily understood by users to control the system and test the User Experience on the smart home application design. The data collection methods used were questionnaires, observations, and literature studies. For the system development method using the Linear Sequential Model / Waterfall Model method. Applications used in making designs and smart home applications include Android Studio, Sublime, Xampp, Adobe Xd, and Adobe Illustrator. The testing methods used include Usability testing and Usability Measurement using the USE Quistionnaire. This research produces a Smart Home application design that can be used by users to easily control the system.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat desain user interface Aplikasi Smart Home berbasis android yang mudah dipahami oleh pengguna untuk mengontrol sistem dan menguji User Experience terhadap desain aplikasi smart home. Metode dalam mengumpulkan data yang digunakan ialah studi pustaka, angket, dan pengamatan (observasi). Dalam metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan Linear Sequential Model. Aplikasi yang digunakan dalam pembuatan desain dan aplikasi smart home antara lain Android Studio, Sublime, Xampp, Adobe Xd, dan Adobe Illustrator. Metode pengujian yang di gunakan antara lain Usability testing dan Pengukuran Usability menggunakan USE Questionnaire. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah desain Aplikasi Smart Home yang dapat digunakan pengguna dengan mudah dalam mengontrol sistem

    Intensifikasi Jalur Transportasi Nelayan Melalui Sosialisasi Rute Pelayaran Efektif Berbasis Medan Di Kelurahan Sembulang

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    Sembulang Village has high potential from marine resources, tourism, to the potential geographical position that supports inter-island shipping lanes. This presents sourced its challenges to make the most of the existing economic potential while maintaining the ecological potential to achieve sustainable coastal development. Practical skills possessed by fishermen in K Sembulang Village become important provisions in the realization of sustainable development, but this needs to be harmonized with the support of various scientific backgrounds. Terrain complex analysis is able to accommodate various considerations in identifying the best sea transportation routes while minimizing negative effects on the environment. Based on these advantages carried out socialization to fishermen who are in Kelurahan Sembulang. From the activities that were successfully held, feedback obtained from participants' satisfaction with the provision of material reached 89.67%, scientific benefit aspects for the residents amounted to 87.29%, facilities supporting activities valued at 84.28%, while as much as 96.77% residents wanted similar activities to be held again in Kelurahan Sembulang.Kelurahan Sembulang memiliki potensi tinggi baik dari sumberdaya laut, wisata hingga potensi posisi geografis yang mendukung alur pelayaran antar pulau. Hal ini memberikan tantangan tersendiri kepada warga untuk memanfaatkan potensi ekonomi yang ada dengan maksimal sekaligus menjaga potensi ekologis demi mencapai keberlajutan pembangunan wilayah pesisir. Keahlian praktis yang dimiliki nelayan yang berada di Kelurahan sembulang menjadi bekal penting dalam pewujudan pembangunan berkelanjutan, namun hal ini perlu diselaraskan dengan dukungan berbagai latar belakang ilmu pengetahuan. Analisis medan mampu mengakomodir berbagai pertimbangan dalam mengidentifikasi jalur trasnportasi laut terbaik namun tetap meminimalisir efek negatif terhadap lingkungan. Atas dasar kelebihan tersebut dilaksanakan sosialisasi kepada nelayan yang berada di Kelurahan Sembulang. Dari kegiatan yang berhasil diselenggarakan didapat umpan balik kepuasan peserta terhadap pemberian materi mencapai 89,67%, aspek manfaat keilmuan untuk warga sebesar 87,29%, fasilitas pendukung kegiatan senilai 84,28%, sedangkan sebanyak 96,77% warga menghendaki adanya kegiatan serupa untuk diadakan kembali di Kelurahan Sembulang

    Participatory WebGIS Wisata Pulau Setokok

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    Abstract— The Kelurahan of Setokok Island offers various tourist attractions with plenty of supporting facilities. In addition, Setokok Island, which is part of Batam City, has a very strategic position in the Sijori route, which contributes to the many visits by tourists, both local and international. However, all tourist objects on Setokok Island had not been managed properly. In addition, there is no complete information regarding the distribution of these attractions and the facilities they provide that can be accessed directly online. To address the potential and solve the problems, one of the actions that can be implemented to develop the tourism sector is a participatory mapping of tourist attractions and the facilities they provide in a complete, actual, and valid way in the kelurahan of Setokok Island. The results are then published in the form of WebGIS that can be accessed directly online so that more people will know all the tourism potential there. Hopefully, the local tourism sector in Setokok Island will develop and will directly improve the micro economy of the people of Setokok Island.Abstrak— Kelurahan Pulau Setokok menawarkan beragam objek wisata yang melimpah dan ditunjang dengan fasilitas pendukung pariwisata yang cukup memadai.Selain itu, Pulau Setokok, yang merupakan bagian dari Kota Batam, memiliki posisi yang sangat strategis di jalur Sijori, yang sertamerta menarik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Akan tetapi, sampai saat ini keseluruhan objek wisata yang ada di Pulau Setokok belum dikelola dengan baik. Ditambah lagi, belum tersedia informasi lengkap terkait sebaran objek wisata tersebut dan fasilitas pendukungnya yang dapat diakses secara online dan terbuka. Berdasarkan potensi dan permasalahan diatas, salah satu aksi yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengembangkan potensi wisata tersebut adalah pemetaan secara partisipatif objek-objek wisata dan fasilitas pendukungnya secara lengkap, actual, dan valid di Kelurahan Pulau Setokok.Hasilnya kemudian dipublikasikan dalam bentuk WebGIS yang dapat diakses secara online dan terbuka sehingga masyarakat luas akan semakin mengenal segala potensi wisata di sana. Harapannya, sektor pariwisata lokal di sana akan berkembang dan secara langsung akan meningkatkan perekonomian mikro masyarakat Pulau Setokok

    Program Karang Taruna Candu Bahasa Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Berbahasa Di Masyarakat Desa Jenalas

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    Program Karang Taruna Candu Bahasa merupakan program peningkatan kualitas berbahasa yang bertujuan untuk mendukung implementasi semboyan Trigatra Bangun Bahasa di lingkungan masyarakat. Dalam program ini kami akan melakukan edukasi dan pelatihan terhadap penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan benar bagi remaja karang taruna. Semboyan Trigatra Bangun Bahasa merupakan program Pemerintah Indonesia melalui badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, yang berisi “Utamakan Bahasa Indonesia, Lestarikan Bahasa Daerah, Kuasai Bahasa Asing.

    Alat Bantu Pemotong Adonan Roti Kering Manual Dengan Dua Arah Mata Pisau

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    Currently, many multi-storey household bread industries have been established, one of which is the Nadya Bakery Sweet Bread industry in Pedekik Village. Nadya Bakery Bread Business which is located at Jl. KH. A. Rasyid, Pedekik Village produces 3 varieties of bread, namely Sweet Bread (Jon Bread and Burger Bread), Dry Bread and Filled Bread (Jam Bread) with a weekly production capacity of 100-200 packs for sweet bread, 300 packs of dry bread and 100-200 packs of sandwiches. The owner of the Roti Nadya Bakery business is still constrained in the process of increasing bread production to meet the needs and demand which is quite high on Bengkalis Island, Regencies and Cities outside Bengkalis Island where the production process for printing bread dough is currently still manually and where the process of printing the dough is using the process pressing the molds one by one so that it takes quite a long time so that the resulting bread production cannot meet the demand from consumers. To overcome this problem the author made a manual dry bread dough cutter tool with two blade directions. With this new bread cutting tool, it can help overcome this problem